Angels are beings of light and act as messengers to help us raise our understanding and consciousness to the higher realms. This attunement will raise your vibration to a higher level and allow you to communicate with them easier. There are 4 parts to the Angel Light Initiation that are completed as one.
– The Third Eye Attunement
A circular mandala that represents the Universe and wholeness is used for this attunement. The mandala has been used by many to align themselves to the Angels.
– Upper Astral Crown Initiation
This attunement helps you to open up a clear channel to the angels so your messages are clearer.
– The Heart Attunement
All healing energy should be used in conjunction with the heart chakra. This attunement helps you to open the heart chakra to enable loving energy to run easier.
– The Angel Initiation
This final attunement is the most important as it is the initiation for channelling healing, receiving guidance and forming a connection to the angels or celestial beings.
Angelic Light Initiation: $10