Guardian Angels Miracles Reiki

Many people believe in guardian angels and i’m one who  had the fortune to have some friends  who knew and  met the  famous saint  Padre Pio from petralcina.
This saint priest believed much in guardian angels and used to say something like.. “ if you need or want something ..send me  or send God your guardian angel!
he’s here for this reason!
Pray your guardian angel : it’s the easiest way to obtain everything!” angels has always  fascinated human being,they ‘re being of light who are with us since the origin of the world and they’re here to help,guide and inspire us all but they’re even here to grant our good whishes. 
in this special time,the time called kaliyuga by the ancient Veda ,they are powerful  messagers of light and love and they are even more present because we need help to change,to evolve  and to help planet.With this attunement  you’ll be more helped to be fullfilled in your needs and whishes by your guardian angels  because what prevent us from receiving is we ask in a subdued voice  believing  we are not worthy of what we ask.
This system help us  to eliminate the sense of unworthiness and inadequacy.



Guardian Angels Miracles Reiki: $10